Share the Wealth
Just watching the nightly news this week has had me on the verge of tears. The massive destruction in the gulf, from Hurricane Katrina, is almost too overwelming to watch. Knowing that these tens of thousands of people, whose "life-as-they-know-it," will be forever changed, causes a lump in my throat. I could easily assume that most of us reading this have never faced the experience of losing absolutely everything. We've been through rough times financially, but NEVER to the magnitude of this.
This has been an especially useful time for me to show my children the power of our awesome, and almighty God. It has also been a great chance for me to teach them that the Lord does all things for His glory. Though we may not always understand, we can ALWAYS know that He is doing His great works for His own glory.
What's the glory in such devistation? Well, for us, it has given us an oppoutunity to serve one another. To love our neighbor as the Lord commands. As we have been watching the news, there have been many donation stations made known to us. I was amazed that in less than 30 minutes, I was able to fill four trash bags with clothes, food, and toiletries that we could give to these hurricane victims. What a great and real-life lesson for my five year old as he participated in packing things, up and delivering them with me. I would encourage you to share the wealth that we are so blessed with. Give sacrifically. You will see but just a tiny glimpse of the glory of God when you can share His love with others. And that is true wealth.
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