My Frugal Favorite Things #2
YARD SALE TENNIS SHOES? Yes, yard sale tennis shoes! They are a great bargain at $.50 to $1.oo a pair. The key is to look for the really dirty ones though! Those are the cheapest because the former owners think that they are a lost cause. BUT, (here's where my favorite part comes!) the secret to making them wearable again is in the cleaning. This is more than just throwing them in the washer. Take an old toothbrush, not your husbands, and some comet or ajax with bleach (not the liquid stuff, the bleach is already in the can!) In a bowl, make a paste of water and comet, then scrub all over the shoes. This works great for scuffs on toes and leather shoes do really well. The canvas type do not do as well, but they still clean up pretty good. I just let them sit, with the comet on them, until I can throw them in with some laundry.
This weekend I found three pairs of Nikes and two pairs of Stride Rites at some yard sales. They looked practically brand new after I cleaned them! You just want to make sure that the shoes are not too worn. You can't repair that (anyone who can, please e-mail me and tell me how!) And sometimes, a new pair of laces makes all the difference. Yard sales and thrift stores are a great place to find kids shoes. I would recommend checking the insides first though. I just like to make sure they're not too icky or torn up on the inside, and that they will be comfortable for my kids to wear.
E-mail me and tell me any great find that you have had a yard sales. Happy scrubbing!
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