The Frugal Mom's Blog

Tales from the life of the frugal!

Sunday, May 21, 2006


Does anyone read my blog? Just wondering, since I hardly ever get any comments. I will give credit to some faithful few who have throughout the year given me some feedback. I can always count on my friends Hannah J. and Phoebe to occasionally pull through for a comment. But, yes, I want more! DH- do you read me?!!

So, just for this one post, I am asking-no, begging, you guys to please leave me a comment and then you will never have to again! I'm just curious of who, if anyone, is really reading this. It doesn't have to be anything lengthy or profound. Even just a simple "Me-Tarzan-me-read-blog" or "Yo" would make me so happy. Just so I know that saving the funny stories in my head until I can get a minute on the computer is not all in vain. And that the mornings my children are starving for breakfast because I'm "almost done with this post" is not all for nothing. I am just as guilty at reading other peoples blog religiously and not leaving comments so, I am trying to do better at this myself! Okay, I've gone on enough about comments:) Can anyone guess what movie my post title is from? (think 80's) DH-you don't count. I mean- you do- just not for guessing on this!


At 6:27 AM, Blogger Anita said...

thanks christy!!!

At 7:09 AM, Blogger Aaron said...


Wow...four comments already!

Let's see... three from the same person (one of those deleted), and the fourth from the blog owner. Interesting. :o)

Just kidding DW! DH reads the FMB every time you tell me to! I'm also encouraged at your morning priorities...

1. Blog
2. Feed Children

I can honestly say, when it comes to your blog go for quality rather than quantity. That's a compliment.

I Love You!

At 9:09 AM, Blogger Phoebe said...

Still reading. I'm a daily visitor.

At 10:45 AM, Blogger kaelum said...

we watched ferris bueller at movies at the park last week...

ps. purple tin-foil is ALWAYS in!

At 10:51 AM, Blogger Hannah said...

I know how you feel about comments, I have not received many myself lately, so maybe that is why I have fallen short of commenting. But I do love to read your blog. Not to mention one of your children is like my best friend, even if she does not always remember my name.

At 12:56 PM, Blogger Anita said...

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At 1:20 PM, Blogger Anita said...

kaelum- i so cannot believe that you just watched ferris beuller's day off!

At 3:18 PM, Blogger Cjsmomx6 said...

Ferris Beuler's day off. So there you go, I do read your blog and have been for a while. Sorry I didn't let you know.
Janet S

At 6:06 AM, Blogger Krista said...

I check your blog regularly, but usually have a baby (or two, now!) on my lap so it difficult to comment! Just to comment this time, I have had to lay my 3 week old newborn on the kitchen floor and deprive my 2 year old of eating her breakfast in my lap.

I haven't noticed you commenting on my blog either, although I know you said you read it! So I guess we are even.

Krista the NONE of that was true about laying my newborn on the floor. Jimmy is happily taking care of her!

At 6:23 AM, Blogger Anita said...

krista-tell your little ones thanks for the sacrafice for me! they'll be better poeple for it when they're grown! i know i'm just as guilty at not commenting. i am going to try to do better!

At 1:21 PM, Blogger MARK said...

yes me read too


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