The Frugal Mom's Blog

Tales from the life of the frugal!

Friday, April 21, 2006

Baby Update!

Baby "A." Wilson is coming soon! After visiting the Dr. yesterday, she is definitely making some moves towards emerging into the real world (and I am feeling them!) So, if I do not go into labor by next Friday, we will go in and be induced. There was some concern this week about her size measuring about 3 weeks behind, but after having some extra ultrasounds done, we found that she looks really healthy, she's just going to be small (around 5.5 lbs.) This may be a quick delivery! We were so blessed to have MANY brothers and sisters in Christ praying for us during a few tense days. It really was overwhelming!

I am amazed with each pregnancy and delivery at the power and infinite design of God. I cannot understand how someone could go through the whole experience of seeing a baby grow and move inside a mother's womb, and not believe in a Creator. It's just another example of blind eyes that have not been opened to the truth of a Savior, and apart from His grace, I would be one of the blinded. Praise be to God for His glorious grace!


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