The Frugal Mom's Blog

Tales from the life of the frugal!

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The library

Getting into the groove of things with four children is slowly taking shape. Yesterday I took them on their first outing by myself, without any backup. Granted it was only to the library, for 30 minutes, but considering that this is a place where you are still expected to be reasonably quiet, I thought that this was a daring feat. It went pretty well, until the very end that is, when the 1 year old fell off of a huge stuffed turtle and screamed bloody murder. I count that successful, I mean, the fact that she was crying over a true injury and not just for a non-cry-worthy issue (i.e. not getting her way.)

So, it went well. Although the librarians (are they still called that?) were probably cursing us under their breath for the exorbitant amount of books that we left out on the tables. I can't help it that they post signs all over the place that say "Do not reshelf book, study in progress" The mom in me wants to reshelf the books. I truly leave there feeling guilty for leaving everything that we (my kids) have pulled off the shelf looked at during our visit there. I'm just hoping that when other people with small children are there, that it looks the same when they leave too.

What are they studying anyway?


At 9:51 AM, Blogger Hannah said...

You need to add that all four children are under the age of 5! We call you amazing and I aspire to be able to handle that situation (multiple children) Lord willing some day.

At 6:14 AM, Blogger Anita said...

you guys are way too kind! thanks!

At 6:14 AM, Blogger Anita said...

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