The Frugal Mom's Blog

Tales from the life of the frugal!

Friday, April 28, 2006

Welcome Ava! - more photos!

Please rejoice with us in the arrival of our 4th child...

Ava Fern Wilson

Born 1:35pm, Friday, April 28
5 lbs. 3 ozs.
18.5 inches long

Baby & mom are doing well...

Thanks -
Aaron, Anita, Aaron Job, Abby, Anna & Ava Wilson

Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD,

the fruit of the womb a reward.

Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth.

Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them!

Psalm 127:3-5b

English Standard Version (ESV)

*About the name "Fern"

UPDATED 4-29-06



Aaron Job (5 1/2) is a good big this pic, he's already singing Ava a lullaby.

Abby (3 yrs) is soooo excited! She wanted to take Ava home just after she was born.

When we finally were able to bring Ava home, Abby ran to the door shouting,

"Mikaela! Mikaela! Mikaela!"

I said, "Abby, her name isn't Mikaela."

Abby: "Oh....what was her name again?"

And then Anna (18 mths). Lots of blank stares. This is going to be interesting.

Anna is very clingy with only two items.

Perhaps Anita described Anna best when she

re-wrote the song "My Favorite Things":

(got the tune in your head yet?)

Mommy and Blankie and Mommy and Blankie,

Mommy and Blankie and Mommy and Blankie,

Mommy and Blankie and Mommy and Blankie,

These are a few of my favorite things...

We'll just have to see how she does.

One last shot...all 18 1/2 inches & 5.3 pounds of her!

(BTW, that's a "preemie" outfit that's swallowing her up!)

Friday, April 21, 2006

Baby Update!

Baby "A." Wilson is coming soon! After visiting the Dr. yesterday, she is definitely making some moves towards emerging into the real world (and I am feeling them!) So, if I do not go into labor by next Friday, we will go in and be induced. There was some concern this week about her size measuring about 3 weeks behind, but after having some extra ultrasounds done, we found that she looks really healthy, she's just going to be small (around 5.5 lbs.) This may be a quick delivery! We were so blessed to have MANY brothers and sisters in Christ praying for us during a few tense days. It really was overwhelming!

I am amazed with each pregnancy and delivery at the power and infinite design of God. I cannot understand how someone could go through the whole experience of seeing a baby grow and move inside a mother's womb, and not believe in a Creator. It's just another example of blind eyes that have not been opened to the truth of a Savior, and apart from His grace, I would be one of the blinded. Praise be to God for His glorious grace!

Monday, April 17, 2006

Mommy Dearest!

Usually when there is a midnight cryer in our house, I'm the one who gets up to check everyone out, but lately, in my very pregnant state, my dear sweet husband has been getting up for these things. So, last night we heard Abby crying pretty loudly and Aaron went to check on her. When he came back, this was the report:

Ab: "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"
DH: "Abby are you ok? Are you having a bad dream?"
DH: "Can you tell me what it was about?"

I'm hoping that something really bad was happening to me in her dream, rather that me being the bad dream! Yes, I'm sure that's what it was!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Me Chinese, Me play joke

Google says that this is the Chinese symbol for chaos. So, that seemed fitting for me right now!

The kids have started telling knock knock jokes. Let's just say they won't make it into comedy. Here's an example of one told by Abby on our way to meet my sister at a Mexican restaurant.

Abby: Knock Knock.
Me: Who's there?
Abby: Apple.
Me: Apple who?
Me: ??????

Speaking of Chinese.

A few weeks ago we were meeting some friends at a Chinese restaurant called Hunan's. On the way there, Aaron Job asked: "Are we going to Humans?"

They say you never know what the meat really is at those places, but I had never gone to that extreme.