The Frugal Mom's Blog

Tales from the life of the frugal!

Friday, February 24, 2006

Random Thought

This morning I was reading an e-mail from our church about a precious saint who recently went home to be with the Lord. As I read, what struck me was not her death, but who was with her. The message said "she died peacefully in her sleep with her husband by her side." I couldn't help but think about my own life, my own husband, and even my children. How often have I gone to bed at night, with never a thought that this may be the last for me or my husband or children-practically every night. Do my husband and children rest their heads at night knowing that they are precious gifts from God to me? Sadly, the answer is no. Thinking about this causes me to really search my heart, to slow down and take every moment given to me and redeem it for God's glory. It reminds me of Psalms 19:14 "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord my rock and my redeemer." It is truly my prayer that the Lord would work in my heart to love, serve, and build up my family for his glory more often with my words and deeds.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

My Little Crack Head

About a week ago, I was having my dear son mop the floor. Yes, he's 5, and can mop the floor-and he likes it! Not with a real mop and bucket-thing, but with a wet swiffer (I love that thing!) Anyway, I guess the mop was laying down, and he tripped, and somehow, the pole flew up and popped him right in the forehead! This HUGE knot immediately began to show up (see pics-but they really don't do it justice!) The skin was getting so tight over the knot, that it was purple and white within seconds! It really looked terrible! But the sad thing is, that we were sitting there laughing- not at the injury, but at what he said! The first thing out of his mouth (after WWHHAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!) was, "DID I CRACK MY HEAD OPEN?!" When he said that we just cracked up (no pun intended). Poor guy was wailing- we were laughing, and he had to sit with ice on his head the rest of the night. No one in our family, or anyone we know, has ever had that serious of an injury, and definitely not bad enough to be classified as "they've cracked their head open," so I have no idea where that came from! He may not ever want to mop again. Oh well, he'll have three sisters that can do it soon enough. Aren't I a terrible mom?!!

Also overheard while he was playing with his sister:
(apparently she fell down)
Sis: WHAAAAAAAAA!!! (Insert fake cry here)
Bro: Hey, are you okay? Did you crack your head open?
Sis: WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Insert louder fake cry here)
I think he really was trying to help, but the words just didn't come out right. A man in boy's shoes.

Friday, February 10, 2006


Okay, I'm taking this new medicine that I got yesterday, and reading the side effects and warning labels, I was really perplexed, confused, and trying to figure people out ya know! One of the warnings read: "This medicine produces an orange to red color in the urine. Staining of contact lenses has been reported." Huh?!? To the best of my knowledge, urine and contact lenses should not be used together. But somewhere, sometime, someplace, it happened, and someone had the courage to report it.

So, I'm passing this tidbit of information on to you: If you are taking Phenazopyridin, keep your contact lenses free of urine for the time being.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


I am afraid that my fond affection of lists and labels has been inherited by my son. I admit it- I actually asked for a label maker for Christmas, and was REALLY excited when I received it. Now, I haven't gone crazy and started labeling everything and everyone in the house, but it's been very tempting! Anyway, back to DS. He has learned to read, and write this year and writes us little stories sometimes. One day he went a little crazy making signs for us around the house, so I thought I'd share them with you.

Pic 1: Aaron had an off-site "staff meeting" on Monday. Just to give you an idea of what these meetings consist of, here's what they did: ate Papa John's pizza (my favorite), went to the Build-A-Bear store and made bears, and saw the movie "Glory Road." All, of course, in the name of building and encouraging teamwork within the broadcasting department. Do I sound bitter? I'm really not, really.

Oh, back to my story- Aaron brought home a bear that he built for our new baby coming in May. So, the kids got to look at it, but couldn't play with it, and had to put it back in the box. Here's the sign that DS made for the box, and for anyone who wants to look inside.

Pic 2: This one is for anyone wondering what goes in this chair and where it should sit, (see attatched sign and follow arrow.)

Pic 3: This sign is for visitors wanting to sit on the couch and wondering about the new person in our house (coming in May)

Pic 4: For anyone wanting to sit in the chair, it's ok- I guess until May that is. After that, it looks like this is where the new baby will be sitting.

Pic 5: This one was found on our bedroom door. It kinda reminds me of a "Do Not Disturb" or a "Session in Progress" sign. If that's the case, it's going to be a long delivery (3 months!) No, I'm not in that room, in labor yet! I guess DS is just letting me know when this baby is finally going to get here. Yes, I am already counting down- and seeing the words "The new baby will be born in May" is really depressing! This one may have to come down soon!